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Supported by


Our research was supported by the project "Surveying and comparative analysis of Hungary's natural vegetation heritage, 2002-2005" funded by Széchenyi Plan (NKFP 3B/0050)

Jedlik Ányos Program

The analysis was supported by the project "Interaction of natural & artificial ecological systems: landscape ecology studies of biodiversity and ecosystem functions in the Hungarian Great Plain, 2002-2008" funded by the Jedlik Ányos Program (NKFP6-0013/2005)

Környezetvédelmi és Vízügyi Minisztérium

The Ministry of Environment and Water, as the beneficiary and potentially the main user of  
our research results of public utility contributed to the success of our research proposals by providing supporting statements.

GSDI Association

The GSDI Association announced grants awarded for 2005 to fifteen organizations around the globe . The grants are aimed at assisting member organizations (IEB HAS of HUNAGI) in building key components of emerging Spatial Data Infrastructure.


The grants were enhanced with the addition of consulting from the GISCorps, which allowed for an increase in the value of grants.