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Balogh, Dancza & Király (2008) Preliminary report on the grid-based mapping ...

Balogh L., Dancza I., Király G. (2008): Preliminary report on the grid-based mapping of invasive plants in Hungary. In: Rabitsch W., Essl F., Klingenstein F. (eds.): Biological Invasions - from Ecology to Conservation. Neobiota >7: 105-114.


This paper gives a preliminary report on the mapping of invasive plant species in Hungary done within the framework of the Mapping of the Hungarian Flora Programme. The use of a special "Invasion Data Sheet", showing the occurrence of invasive and other expanding native plant species per grid cell, enables the documentation of further characteristics of these species. Although neither field data collection nor processing of the distribution maps has been finished, both elements are at a high level of completion. All species presented in this study are invasive neophytes in Hungary. The maps show their distribution at a completion rate of data processing of approximately 75%. According to the experience obtained up to now, floristic data collection using the Invasion Data Sheet is less suitable for surveying invasive plants on arable land. It is more convenient for mapping the occurrence of invasive plant species in (semi)natural vegetation, which actually was the main purpose of this work. The results provide data on geographical distribution and will help to determine the dynamics of the spread of invasive plants and their infestation at the landscape level.