Ugrás a tartalomra

Molnár Cs., Molnár Zs., Barina, Bauer, Biró ... (2008) Vegetation-based landscape ...

Molnár Cs., Molnár Zs., Barina Z., Bauer N., Biró M., Bodonczi L., Csathó A. I., Csiky J., Deák J. Á., Fekete G., Harmos K., Horváth A., Isépy I., Juhász M., Kállayné Szerényi J., Király G., Magos G., Máté A., Mesterházy A., Molnár A., Nagy J., Óvári M., Purger D., Schmidt D., Sramkó G., Szénási V., Szmorad F., Szollát Gy., Tóth T., Vidra T. and Virók V. (2008): Vegetation-based landscape-regions of Hungary. Acta Botanica Hungarica> 50(Suppl.): 47-58.


The first version of the map of the Hungarian vegetation-based landscape regions were prepared at the scale of 1 : 200,000 (1 km or higher resolution). The primary goal of the map was to provide an exact background for the presentation and evaluation of the data of theMÉTA database. Secondly, we intended to give an up-to-date and detailed vegetation-based division of Hungary with a comprehensive nomenclature of the regions. Regions were primar- ily defined on the basis of their present zonal vegetation, or their dominant extrazonal or edaphic vegetation. Where this was not possible, abiotic factors that influence the potential vegetation, the flora were taken into consideration, thus, political and economical factors were ignored. All region borders were defined by local expert botanists, mainly based on their field knowledge. The map differs in many features from the currently used, country- wide, flora- or geography-based divisions in many features. We consider our map to be temporary (i.e. a work map), and we plan to refine and improve it after 5 years of testing.