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B1b - Oligotrophic reed and Typha beds of fens, floating fens - Nádas úszólápok, lápos, tőzeges nádasok és télisásosok (HU)

MÉTA Program >>> Habitat distribution maps


B1b – Oligotrophic reed and Typha beds of fens, floating fens: 

Swimming (floating) and terrestrial fens of high-growing waterside herbs with rhizome. The habitat includes 1) herbaceous plant dominated communities, developed on the surface of neutral or dystrophic waters 2) their descendants rooted to the bed 3) communities that originally stand in shallow water and form rooted fens of reed and Cladium on peat soils. Among the floating forms, those fens belong to this group that develop on mesotrophic and eutrophic waters, and are dominated by Phragmites australis, Typha angustifolia, Typha latifolia, Carex spp., Cladium mariscus and Thelypteris palustris. This is a much more infrequent habitat then the reed beds without peat, their total actual area is only 5900 ha. The most important stands are on Dunai-Alföld (2520 ha), especially on Turjánvidék and Őrjeg, partly on Dráva-sík and at Velencei-tó. The habitat is more infrequent on Tiszai-Alföld (480 ha); after the drainage of the great fens (Kis-Sárrét and Nagy-Sárrét) it is restricted to the regions with forest climate (Nyírség, Szatmár-Beregi-sík, and close to Sajó river). It is also frequent on the Dunántúli-dombság (1470 ha, mainly in the southern parts of Lake Balaton) and on Kisalföld (970 ha). It is sporadic on Nyugat-Dunántúl (230 ha) and in the Dunántúli-középhegység (200 ha), rare in the Északi-középhegység (22 ha). It is easy to confuse the habitat with the reed beds without peat formation, since the process of peat formation is not marked, while the old, decaying reed can give the impression of peat. Consequently, we have only approximate data on the area of the habitat.

Molnár, Zs., M. Biró, J. Bölöni & F. Horváth (2008): Distribution of the (semi-)natural habitats in Hungary I.: Marshes and grasslands, Acta Botanica Hungarica 50 (Suppl): 59-105. >>> letöltés (5,4 MB, PDF)

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MTA Ökológiai és Botanikai Kutatóintézete

