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F5 - Annual salt pioneer swards of steppes and lakes - Padkás szikesek és szikes tavak iszap- és vakszik növényzete (HU)

MÉTA Program >>> Habitat distribution maps

F5 – Annual salt pioneer swards of steppes and lakes: 
1) Annual halophytic vegetation in muddy lake beds of saline lakes and 2) vegetation of annual and perennial plants of usually small alkali mud surfaces (so-called: vakszik, szikfok, szikér). Characteristic, common and dominant species; Crypsis aculeata, C. alopecuroides, C. schoenoides, Suaeda pannonica, Cyperus pannonicus, Salicornia prostrata, Chenopodium chenopodioides, Ch. glaucum, Spergularia media, S. salina, Atriplex litoralis, Salsola soda, as well as Lepidium crassifolium, Plantago maritima, P. tenuiflora, Aster tripolium subsp. pannonicus, Camphorosma annua, Bassia sedoides, Pholiurus pannonicus, Puccinellia limosa. Nationwide actual area of the habitat is around 2500 ha. Rich in Pannonian endemic species, and has continental character. Most of the stands are on Tiszai-Alföld (1600 ha), mainly on Hortobágy, Bihari-sík, Körös-vidék, in the western part of Körös-Maros köze, on Gerje-Perje-sík, and sporadically on Heves-Borsodi-sík and Nyírség. 900 ha occurs on Dunai-Alföld, a certain part of this is the bottom and bank zones of saline lakes of Duna-sík, as well as the often large muddy patches (szikfok) of saline pusztas. Salt pioneer swards are common, but form small patches in the eastern part of the Duna-Tisza köze, and are rare on Mezőföld and in Bácska. There are two occurrences at the edge of Kisalföld: near Lake Fertő and along Répce River, with strongly shrinking area in both places. Since for the development of its suitable site an upwelling saline groundwater and continental climate is needed, the habitat is absolutely missing from Nyugat-Dunántúl, from the Dunántúli-dombság, the Dunántúli- and Északi-középhegység. 

Molnár, Zs., M. Biró, J. Bölöni & F. Horváth (2008): Distribution of the (semi-)natural habitats in Hungary I.: Marshes and grasslands, Acta Botanica Hungarica 50 (Suppl): 59-105. >>> letöltés (5,4 MB, PDF)

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MTA Ökológiai és Botanikai Kutatóintézete
