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J4 - Riverine willow-poplar woodlands - Fűz-nyár ártéri erdők (HU)

MÉTA Program >>> Habitat distribution maps

J4 – Riverine willow-poplar woodlands: 
Growing on the lower parts of floodplains, these hygrophilous, Salix and Populus dominated forests presently still get regular flooding. Their total actual area is approx. 20700 ha. The habitat is frequent along Tisza River (8900 ha), also along Duna River (6000 ha). It regularly follows Rába (920 ha), Dráva and Mura (1960 ha) as well as Sajó and Hernád (720 ha) rivers, furthermore it occurs along Zala, Zagyva, Ipoly, Bodrog, Kraszna and Fekete-Körös rivers. It is especially rare or missing along Sió, Sebes-Körös and Berettyó rivers. A part of its stands still shows natural dynamics (mostly along Duna and Dráva rivers). On other places the natural regeneration of riverine willow-poplar woodlands is almost halted, and the place of willows and poplars are gradually replaced by invasive species (e.g. along Tisza River). The occurrences are more uncertain further from the greater rivers, since the willow and poplar woodlands without regular flooding belong to another habitat type (RB). By approaching the mountains the community gradually changes to riverine ash-alder woodlands (J6), which can have a willow consociation. 

Molnár, Zs., M. Biró, J. Bölöni & F. Horváth (2008): Distribution of the (semi-)natural habitats in Hungary I.: Marshes and grasslands, Acta Botanica Hungarica 50 (Suppl): 59-105. >>> letöltés (5,4 MB, PDF)

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