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Documents applied & collected during the NatureSDIplus project

The NATURE-SDIplus project’s main aim is to establish a Best Practice Network on geographical information for nature conservation to stimulate the members and, in perspective, the target users at improving the harmonisation of their datasets on nature conservation to better exploit and access them.

NATURE-SDIplus proposes the evaluation of the common metadata profile as defined by the INSPIRE Drafting Team which is focusing on discovery mandatory elements based on the ISO 19115/119 standards and a common data model compliant with INSPIRE specifications.

The data accessibility will be supported by a set of web services available and accessible by the NATURE-SDIplus Geo-portal having also the aim to attract and encourage the involvement of the NATURE-SDIplus Network members and stakeholders in this process.

The project Consortium will interact with INSPIRE Drafting Teams both to tune the adopted solutions according to INSPIRE specifications and to support the Implementation of the Directive at network level (see more ...).

All documents and datasets collected here related to the NatureSDIplus project.

Test datasets

  • Generalized distribution map of Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes (1530), EVITA 1.2 test version
  • Generalized distribution map of Pannonic-Balcanic turkey oak-sessile oak woods (91M0), EVITA 1.2 test version
  • Generalized distribution map of Vincetoxicum pannonicum, EVITA 1.2 test version
  • Generalized distribution map of Bombina bombina, EVITA 1.2 test version
  • Actual distribution map of Artemisia salt steppes (F1a) in Hungary, MÉTA database 1.2
  • Actual distribution map of Turkey oak - sessile oak woodlands (L2a) in Hungary, MÉTA database 1.2
  • N2000 distribution map of Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes (1530), 2008
  • N2000 distribution map of Pannonic-Balcanic turkey oak-sessile oak woods (91M0), 2008

under development ...